maandag 11 januari 2021

Maybe Tomorrow


Joris Ghekiere (top) in Emergent, surrounded by other artists as Max Pinckers.

zondag 10 januari 2021



Around the corner, dabbling through the mud but enjoying some views.

zondag 3 januari 2021

stumbled upon


This morning, I found an old, coloured engraving between
some postcards and letters from my grandfather who
was a photographer. I wrote earlier about this subject in
'D', which you can read on my website.

studio view


Work in progress on my wall. A picture from december 2020.



The last day and last walk from 2020.




'NaoÏse', a short video by Jacqueline Mesmaeker, at display at Raveel Museum. Another, more or less similar, video is
'Matthis'. Both were made in 2002 but it's the first time I came to see them.